Saturday, September 11, 2010
Fall Meeting
Tom Tedrick, President, called the meeting to order at 10:02 am at the Coldwater Health Center Conference Center at 379 E. Chicago St., Coldwater, MI. Ann Marie Moore, Vice President, Carolyn Morrison, Secretary, Colleen Humphrey, Treasurer and Trustees, Dee Kehoe, Allen Baunock and Jack Collins were also present. With 26 members attending, a quorum was present for conducting business.
The Secretary minutes from the May 1, 2010 meeting were distributed and accepted as written. The Treasurer’s report was given by Colleen. The beginning balance was $3,930.76. We received $1,224.39 in income, had $503.76 in expenses and ended with a balance of $4,651.39 (see attached for complete report). The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Diane played a short video on the Asian Carp Threat, It has become a real threat to our Great Lakes coming up the Mississippi River through Chicago. Click here and scroll all the way to the bottom left of the page to watch this 3 minute CNN video titled, That Will Leave a Mark.
Carolyn reminded people to read the article on our website,, about Drowning Doesn’t Look Like Drowning. A person may be drowning, but not flailing around and yelling for help. He may be trying desperately to get air and therefore, cannot yell.
Tom reported that the funneling issue on Morrison Lake has been resolved with the party involved not taking the matter further. Tom is on the planning and zoning committees for the township of Girard. He said he is the only person who lives on the lakes. The other members are primarily from the agricultural sector. So he encouraged us to get on the boards so the lakes interests would be represented and considered.
No new business
BRANCH COUNTY MARINE PATROL, GLEN SPENCER reported that the Marine Patrol has been on the two chains every weekend all summer, usually one on the North chain and sometimes three on the South chain. They have issued many warnings and some citations including the following:
1. Children under the age of 6 must have a type 1 (heavy, ocean usage type with head support) or a type 2 (smaller, with a head support) jacket on at all times when on a boat. These two types will keep the child with his face up when in the water. He will bring examples at the May 2011 meeting.
2. Jet Ski usage requires children under the age of 12 to wear a type 1 or type 2 life jacket. This is a change from the standard vest type life jacket. Again, the jacket must have the head support so it will keep the child with his face up when in the water.
3. No wake means your boat should only go at idle speed which still gives forward motion.
4. Alcohol enforcements.
Other key points were:
• Nine boater safety classes were offered. New laws will be coming at the end of next summer for jet skis.
• Suggestion was made to put information at boat ramps for out of state boaters.
• DNR is responsible to decide where No Wake buoys should go and the Marine Patrol puts them in.
• CodeRED is a new program administered by 911 to give you emergency information and weather warnings. This is especially important if you are out on a boat and bad weather suddenly threatens. The warnings will come through your phone and /or email. Click here or search for the Branch County Government’s website, then go to departments, then click 911/central dispatch, click CodeRED weather warning, and again click CodeRED to enable you to add your information so you will receive emergency information and weather warnings.
MIKE HARD, DRAIN COMMISSION reported that FEMA has completed a new flood plain study. Mortgage lenders require you to have flood insurance if you are in these plains. You must be above 927 feet above sea level to avoid this insurance. You can dispute it with a survey or an engineer’s report to verify you are above 927 feet. The cost is approximately $10.00/$1000.00 property value. It was suggested by a lake resident to have a high deductible to reduce the cost. Mike also reported that it is a joint responsibility with the DNR, Sheriff and the Drain Commission to establish a whole lake no wake warning. They can declare it in extreme emergency situations. It has on occasion been looked at hourly. It is a balancing act. The South chain flows into the North chain. Sometimes in heavy rains even with the flood gates open at Hodunk, it is not enough. Notification is often difficult to out of state boaters if they don’t listen to the local radio station or read the local papers. It was suggested that it should be posted at ramps and also lake people can tell them. Farmer drains were discussed. Contact Mike if you have questions.
PROGRESSIVE ENGINEERING’s 2010 weed control summary was emailed to all members prior to the fall 2010 meeting. Starry Stonewort on Messenger Lake has become an extreme problem. Boats are unable to navigate the waters when the water level is low. Contact Mike if you have concerns or questions.
• Coldwater River Stream Monitoring grant program. Volunteers are needed. The volunteer event date for stream training is Sat., Sept. 25th, 9 am to noon at the east end of Water Works Park, between Sprague and Bennett St., Coldwater. Stream sampling will be Sat., Oct. 2nd 1 pm until 4 pm and insect identification will be Weds. Oct. 6th, 5 pm to 9 pm. For more information contact, Kathy Worst, 517 278 8008 ext. 5 or stop by the BC Conservation District at 387 N. Willowbrook Rd., Coldwater. See attached.
• Mary Ellen also gave out a children’s book, WATER QUALITY QUEST, which was produced with a grant to teach children about the Hog Creek Watershed. See attached.
• A Conservation Easement Workshop: Maintaining Our Rural & Natural Heritage, Options and Tax Benefits for Private Landowners in Conserving their Land, Monday, Sept. 20th at 6:30 pm at the Coldwater Township Hall, 319 Sprague Rd., Coldwater. Registration is by Friday, Sept. 17th. Call 517-278-8008 ext 5 or 269-324-1600. See attached.
Sat., May 7, 2011
Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Morrison, Secretary