Saturday, May 7, 2011
Spring Meeting
Tom Tedrick, President, called the meeting to order at 10:03 am at the Coldwater Health Center Conference Center at 379 E. Chicago St., Coldwater, MI. Carolyn Morrison, Secretary, Colleen Humphrey, Treasurer and Trustees, Dee Kehoe, Allen Baunock and Jack Collins were also present. Ann Marie Moore, Vice President, was absent. According to Colleen, a quorum was present for conducting business. The Secretary minutes from the September 11, 2010 meeting were distributed, read and accepted as written. The Treasurer’s report was given by Colleen. The beginning balance was $4,651.39. We received $1,294.77 in income, had $659.15 in expenses and ended with a balance of $5,287.01 (see attached for complete report). The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Speaker #1: Glen Spencer of the Branch County Marine Patrol discussed lake safety. Life Jacket (Personal Flotation Devices, PFD) requirements are as follows:
1. PFD type 1, larger for large bodies of water such as the Great Lakes.
2. PFD type 2 has a neck float for children under age 6.
3. PFD type 3 has no neck float and is for children over age 6.
Jackets without neck floats can cause the face to go into the water. Swimmers are not life saving devices. Always look at the tag information for the designation, weight, chest size and the US Coast Guard Approval. Children under the age of 6 are required to have a type 2 jacket on when in a moving boat. Over age six jackets on a moving boat are not required. At anchor or beached, no PFDs are required, but certainly highly suggested for children’s safety. Glen showed examples of each type of PFD. Throw away all hard or leaking life jackets. Jet Ski’s require PFD type 1 or 2 for children under the age of 12. The Handbook of Michigan Boating Laws and Responsibilities can be obtained at the Secretary of State’s office or from the DNR online. Boater Safety classes are now being offered. Call the Sheriff Department for dates.
Skiing is allowed 1 hour before sunrise and 1 hour after sunset, time established by the Naval Observatory times.
Speaker #2: Branch County Conservation District representative Mary Ellen Newton reported on the Coldwater Stream Monitoring program (see attached for times). Volunteers are needed. Microscopes are also needed. Call the BC Conservation District if you have any to donate.
Speaker #3: Progressive Engineering representative Paul Hausler reported that last year was an extreme year with very little rain which caused unusually prolific plant growth. All the designated funds for weed control were used plus some extra. This year, the weather is three weeks behind. Water temperature is 56-58 degrees only. Hopefully, weed treatment can still start next week. Starry Stonewort continues to be aggressively infiltrating the lakes. A new product, Harpoon, is hoped to be used this year if the permit is obtained. Copper sulfate and celiated copper have limited success in containing the starry stonewort. Maps are on the website and they are using GPS coordinates to pinpoint the applications for the applicators. A new lawn fertilizer law starting January 1, 2012 will remove all phosphates from fertilizers. Paul had three handouts: Starry Stonewort, The Value of Natural Shorelines and Keyhole or Anti-Funneling Ordinances. They may also be obtained at
1. Tom Tedrick is the Girard township supervisor. Tom said that the ordinances are in the middle of being rewritten. Most of the people on the planning committee are agricultural representatives with only him representing the lake owner’s viewpoint. All are encouraged to attend the meeting at the Girard Township Hall May 18th at 7:00 pm.
2. Diane Blanchard reported on the water testing program. Clarity of the water is remaining constant.
Elections: Being no other nominations Ann Marie Moore was elected Vice President, Colleen Humphrey was elected Treasurer and Jack Collins and Allen Baunoch were elected Directors by unanimous consent.
Meeting adjourned at 11:20 am.
Next meeting will be Saturday, September 10, 2011.
Respectfully Submitted,
Carolyn Morrison, Secretary