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The North Chain Lake Association (NCLA) is located on the northwest side of Coldwater in Michigan.

Meeting Minutes: 05/05/12

Saturday, May 05, 2012

SPRING Meeting

The meeting was called to order by President, Tom Tedrick, at 10am at the Coldwater Health Center Conference Center located at 370 E. Chicago Street in Coldwater, Michigan.

NCLA Board Members present include: President Tom Tedrick, Vice-President Ann Marie Moore, Treasurer: Colleen Humphrey, Director: Allen Baunoch, and Advisor: Diane Blanchard.

According to Treasurer Colleen Humphrey, a quorum was present for conducting business.

Acceptance of Previous Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes dated September 10, 2011 were distributed by Colleen Humphrey on behalf of Secretary, Carolyn Morrison. Motion to Approve Minutes was made by member: Alan Baunoch. Motion to Second Minutes was made by member: Dave Wright. The members voted and accepted the minutes as written.

Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was presented by Treasurer, Colleen Humphrey. See the Treasurer’s Report for a complete report.
Beginning Balance: $5,709.34
Income Collected (through dues): $1,613.77
Expenses: $ 717.37
Ending Balance: $6,605.74
Motion to Approve Report was made by member: Ann Marie Moore. Motion to Second Report was made by member: Diane Blanchard. The members voted and accepted the report as written.

Guest #1: Glen Spencer, Marine Patrol.
Here is a brief summary of the speaker’s presentation:
• The marine patrol had a smaller presence on both lake chains due to a lack of state funding.
• They’ve hired two new deputies (both present at the meeting) so they hope to increase their presence on the lakes in 2012.
• In 2011, 9 tickets were written on the north chain and 23 tickets on the south chain.
• The marine patrol will be monitoring the slow/no wake areas on the lakes and will write citations if boaters are not slowing down enough through the channels.
• John Pollack, Marine Patrol Administrator in the Sherriff’s Department was also present.

Guest #2: Paul Hausler, Progressive AE.
Here is a brief summary of the speaker’s presentation:
• Paul provided information on the Hodunk-Messenger Lake Chain Project Annual Budget, Aquatic Plant Control in 2011 and Hodunk-Messenger Lake Chain 2011 Project Work Journal.
• He mentioned the exotic aquatic plants that exist in many inland lakes including: Eurasian milfoil, starry stonewort, hydrilla and phragmites. These species continue to threaten our lakes, especially the starry stonewort. He mentioned that the DEQ is researching ways to receive federal funding to combat starry stonewort.
• He provided copies of the Hodunk Lake Pay Submittal Map, which is used to identify treatment areas.

Guest #3: Mike Hardt, Drain Commissioner.
• Mike talked about the FEMA Flood Plan designations.

Guest #4: Kyle Bater, DNR.
• Kyle mentioned that “no wake speed” means idle speed, or “as slow as you can go and still go forward”. In the no wake areas, there should be no white water off the bow.

Guest #5: Kathy Worst, Branch County Conservation District.
Here is a brief summary of the speaker’s presentation:
• The Conservation District is always looking for volunteers. It only takes a few hours and it’s an educational experience.
• Upcoming dates:
o May 19th: Stream Monitoring
o May 23rd: Bud ID
o June 23rd: Native Plant Workshop
• Anyone interested should contact Kathy at the Conservation District.

1. Bill Greenawalt mentioned that he attended the annual conference for the Michigan Chapter of North American Lake Management Society.

1. Elections: Positions up for election include: President, Secretary, and one Director.
a. President: Mark Zinn made a motion to nominate Terry Reen as President. Sandra Tedrick seconded the motion. The members voted and Terry Reen is the new President.
b. Secretary: Bill Greenawalt made a motion to nominate Carolyn Morrison as Secretary. Diane Blanchard seconded the motion. The members voted and Carolyn Morrison is the Secretary.
c. Director: Ann Marie Moore made a motion to nominate Diane Blanchard as Director. Dave Wright seconded the motion. The members voted and Diane Blanchard is the new Director.
2. Current Vice-President Ann Marie Moore has decided to step down. Sandra Tedrick made a motion to nominate Bill Greenawalt as Vice-President. Alan Baunoch seconded the motion. The members voted and Bill Greenawalt is the new Vice-President.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:03am.
The next meeting will be Saturday, September 8, 2012.

These meeting minutes were submitted by Ann Marie Moore on May 5, 2012.

EMAIL ADDRESS: NorthChainLake@gmail.com
WEBSITE: http://www.northchain.com/