Saturday, September 13, 2014
Fall Meeting
The meeting was called to order by President Terry Reen at 10:00 am
at the Coldwater Health Center Conference Center, 370 E. Chicago St., Coldwater, MI.
NCLA Board Members present include:
President: Terry Reen present
Secretary: Carolyn Morrison present
Treasurer: Colleen Humphrey absent
Director: Allen Baunoch present
Director: Dennis Dirschell present
Director: Mark Zinn present
Past President: Tom Tedrick absent
Vice-President: Dave Wright present
According to Mark Zinn, with 36 members in attendance a quorum WAS present for conducting business.
Acceptance of Previous Meeting Minutes
The meeting minutes dated May 4, 2014 was distributed by Secretary, Carolyn Morrison.
The minutes stood as presented.
Acceptance of Treasurer’s Report
The Treasurer’s report was sent by Treasurer, Colleen Humphrey. See the Treasurer’s Report for a complete report.
Beginning Balance: $__4740.11___________
Income Collected (through dues): $___652.57___________
Expenses: $___528.73___________
Ending Balance: $__4,863.95___________
The Treasurer’s report was accepted as presented.
Marine Patrol: Speaker: Rick Holtgrave,
Here is a brief summary of the speaker’s presentation:
Good summer with lots of boating education, not too many tickets
Again, Life jacket program very successful and popular on both chains. Sharing program at the state level. NCLA initial donation is appreciated.
Tell County Commissioners we need increase in the Marine Patrol budget to cover night patrol
A Motion was made by Dave Wright and Seconded by Al Baunoch to donate $300.00 for boat stripping of the Orca. Motion was approved unanimously.
Mute Swans
At least one Mute swan has been tagged for tracking on the North Chain.
A Motion was made by Jane Osborn to reduce the number of mute swans as recommended by the DNR and control the mute swans on the North Chain. Tony Earles seconded the motion. It was passed with 34 yes votes and 2 no votes. This recommendation will be forwarded to the City of Coldwater, Coldwater Township and Girard Township.
The meeting was adjourned..
The next meeting will be Saturday, May 2, 2015
Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Morrison, Secretary