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The North Chain Lake Association (NCLA) is located on the northwest side of Coldwater in Michigan.

Meeting Minutes: 05/01/10

Saturday, May 1, 2010
Annual Spring Meeting

Diane Blanchard, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 am in Dobson’s community room. Ann Marie Moore, vice-president, and Colleen Humphrey, treasurer were also present.

Guest Speaker:
1. Kathy Worst, Administrator, Branch County Conservation District spoke to the members about stream monitoring program. They expect to hear about the grant in mid-May. They have received other start-up money to purchase waders, nets and other materials not covered by the grant. She hopes the first sampling will occur in the fall, but it depends on funding.
Minutes from the September 12, 2009 meeting were distributed. Being no corrections or additions, the minutes were accepted. It was noted that all the meeting minutes are available online. Colleen Humphrey distributed the treasurer’s report. We have an ending balance as of April 30, 2010 of $3,930.76. See attached report for complete details. The report was approved.

Committee Reports:
1. Ann Marie Moore—website. Ann Marie reported that the website (www.mlswa.org/NorthChain-241) is
a way for the members to obtain information throughout the year. The officers plan to add relevant and useful information to the website. It is hoped that more people will regularly visit the site and stay informed about lake activities and local events. The association has a new email address (NorthChainLake@gmail.com). Any questions, comments or concerns should be sent to this email address. Members are encouraged to give the association his/her email address so that the members can receive information in a timely manner. For example, when the association is aware of chemical treatments on the chain, the association will email that information to the members.

Member Question:
1. What should we do with washed up weeds? Answer: Let the weeds dry and take them to the Green Waste Dump in Tekonsha.

Special Reports:
1. Funneling. Diane reported the lake chain is in the midst of a funneling issue. Currently, Coldwater Twp, Girard Twp, and the City of Coldwater do not have any ordinances regarding funneling. There is a meeting on May 5th , 7 pm at Girard Township Hall (1009 Marshall Rd.) to discuss the funneling issue on Morrison Lake. A member noted that Girard Township will soon rewrite their ordinances and anyone that is interested can get involved. Board meetings are the first Monday of every month at 7:30 pm.

2. Diane mentioned new legislation affecting lake property owners, specifically those with a roadway that runs between their home and the water.

3. Diane mentioned that Asian Carp is a new threat to the lakes. Michigan, Indiana, Ohio and Canada are currently involved in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois, hoping to stop the spread of this invasive species. Cliff Bloom, attorney for Michigan Lake and Steam Association, has compiled a list of 11 treats to our lakes. Among them are “new toys” added by lake front homeowners and others who use the lakes, diversion of water, lack of effective zoning, “road end” access, invasive and alien species, and lack of pro lake officials on governing boards.

4. Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program. Diane reported that this project has been done for years by us and that it’s the association’s responsibility. The state actually uses our water testing results to determine the treatment. Diane was recently trained to conduct the water testing and will begin the testing this month. Jeff Faulknor is the back-up to do the water testing. The association is looking for one more volunteer to be trained as another back-up. Members should contact the President if you can help with the water testing.

Old Business:
1. Quorum. Diane reminded the members that at the Fall 2009 meeting the members voted to change the quorum from 20% to 10%. The spring meeting had a quorum.

New Business:
1. Nominations and Election of officers.

A. President – Diane Blanchard’s two-year term ends today. Diane has decided not to re-run for the position due to logistical issues. She will still be involved with the association as the past-president and Advisor. Diane discussed the President’s role and asked if anyone was interested in the position. Dee Keough nominated Tom Tedrick. Tim O’Reilly seconded the motion. The members voted and Tom Tedrick became the new North Chain Lake Association President for a two-year term.

B. Secretary – Carolyn Morrison offered to run again for Secretary. Tom Tedrick nominated Carolyn Morrison. Dee Keough seconded the motion. Carolyn Morrison was re-elected as Secretary of the North Chain Lake Association for another two-year term.

Diane adjourned the meeting at 10:50am. Reminder of Fall meeting date: September 11, 2010.

Respectfully submitted:
Colleen Humphrey, Treasurer and Ann Marie Moore, Vice-President.