Saturday, September 12, 2009
Fall Meeting
Diane Blanchard, President, called the meeting to order at 10:04 am in Dobson’s community room. Paul Hausler from Progressive Engineering presented a slide show, “Weeds in our Lakes”. A quorum of 48 members was present.
Minutes from the May 2, 2008 meeting were distributed by Secretary, Carolyn Morrison. Being no corrections or additions the minutes were accepted. Colleen Humphrey, Treasurer, distributed the treasurer’s report. We have an ending balance as of September 12, 2009 of $3,895.87. See attached report for complete details. The report was approved.
Committee Reports:
Ann Marie Moore—website. The website is It is hoped that this will allow for better communication and information for members.
Special Reports:
Messenger Chain County Board Meetings. Diane reported that starry stonewort weed is spreading. She wrote a letter to MDEQ addressing this issue. The new weed management assessment for 2010-2012 is $88.00 per front lake lot.
Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program. Diane reported that this project has been done for years by us. It tests for dissolved oxygen which determines the clarity of water. We have money to do additional testing for dissolved oxygen. Jeff Faulknor has previously been doing this. However, since he no longer lives on the lake, a new volunteer is needed. Contact Diane if you can help.
Watershed Project status (319 Grant). The grant is completed. Information now is available on the Branch County Conservation Department website. Our thanks to Ben Wickerham for doing a fine job with this grant. An implementation grant is now being sought. A small grant for a stream monitoring program is presenting looking for sampling volunteers. See Diane for further information.
Old Business:Elections. At the May annual meeting a quorum was not present, so the meeting could not be authenticated. Consequently, at the June 9, 2009 board meeting vacancies were appointed by the board. Ann Marie Moore, Vice President, Colleen Humphrey, Secretary and board trustees: Dee Kehoe, Allen Baunoch and Jack Collins agreed to extend their service until elections could be held at the September 12th meeting.
New Business:
1. Elections. Linda Knirk made a motion and Nancy Gary seconded it that the appointed board members be elected to fulfill the terms of office. It was unanimously approved.
2. Bylaw changes. It was moved and approved by unanimous vote to change Section 2, Article 3: Quorum to read: “Ten (10) percent or more of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.” This changed the previous twenty (20) percent required for a quorum. It was also moved and approved to amend the bylaws to change of the trustee’s title to directors instead of trustees. PA 222 states that we must have at least 3 directors per nonprofit corporation prior to annual filing report which is due October 1st.
3. Photo contest. Ted Gray won the photo contest.
4. Chair people. Chair people are needed for membership, activities and water testing. See Diane if available and interested.
Spring Annual meeting date, May 1, 2010
Respectfully submitted:
Carolyn Morrison, Secretary