Saturday, May 2, 2009
Annual Spring Meeting
Diane Blanchard, President, called the meeting to order at 10:03 am in Dobson’s community room. Carolyn Morrison, secretary and Colleen Humphrey, treasurer were also present. Minutes from the October 11, 2008 meeting were distributed. Being no corrections or additions the minutes were accepted. Colleen Humphrey distributed the treasurer’s report. We have an ending balance as of May 2, 2009 of $4,033.65. See attached report for complete details. The report was approved.
Committee Reports:
1. NCLA Website. Ann Marie Moore reported that the website was nearing completion. The website is A walk through power point presentation was given by Ann Marie and Diane on the website. It is hoped that this will allow better communication and information for members.
Special Reports:
2. Messenger Chain County Board Meetings. Diane reported we will have a new weed management contractor this year. West Michigan Aquatic Weed Removal has more equipment; promises better response times and has a proven track record. Paul Hauser from Progressive Engineering says we are spending adequate amounts of money(there is only so much you can do). Ten year budget history shows trend is up due to many factors. We have new invaders, Hydrilla and Fanwort. Pictures were presented of each of these exotic invasives. Others pictures were also shown including large leaf pondweed and coontail. Jack Collins indicated that no members of the county board live on the lake. Gene Easterday, supervisor of Girard Township, refuted this statement by saying many of the members live on the chain or have cottages. Gene also said that the dam at Hodunk has been wide open since last fall. The water levels have been high this year due to more snow and rain.
3. Cooperative Lakes Monitoring Program. Diane reported that this project has been done for years by us. It tests for dissolved oxygen which determines the clarity of water. The tracking indicated that the water quality is stable. Jeff Faulknor has previously been doing this. However, since he no longer lives on the lake, a new volunteer is needed. Contact Diane if you can help.
Watershed Project status (319 Grant). This project is in its final days. Ben Wickerham has had volunteers label in town sewer drains to remind people not to pour liquids down the drains. They go directly into the lakes. They are not treated. The final results of the study will be available later this month at a public session. A round up of swans and geese was suggested. This is a DEQ issue.
Old Business:1. Sediment at the Dam. Ben Wickerham was asked to look into dredging at the Hodunk Dam. Update: Mike Hard, county drain supervisor, says, yes there’s build up, but the dam is very functional still.
New Business:
2. PA 222 states that we must have at least 3 directors per nonprofit corporation prior to annual filing report which is due October 1st. There was discussion whether this was semantics and could mean officers. Clarification will be sought by Diane as to its meaning and director’s responsibilities. It could mean changes to our bylaws.
3. Change of Meeting dates. Debbie Smashey made a motion to move the May annual meeting date from the 1st Saturday in May to the 1st Saturday after Memorial Day. Terry Reen seconded the motion. Since this was an amendment change and required a two thirds vote, we referred to our bylaws. According to our bylaws, Section 2, Article 3: quorum; twenty percent or more of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Section 3, Article 1:
4. Amendments of the Bylaws; these bylaws may be adopted, amended or repealed by an affirmative vote of a 2/3 majority of the membership at a duly convened meeting. We did not have a quorum, so no business could proceed.
Nominations and Election of officers.1. Vice President (currently held by Bill Greenawalt)
2. Treasurer (currently held by Colleen Humphrey)
3. Trustee (currently held by Jack Collins)
4. Trustee (currently held by Allen Bannock)
Not having a quorum, elections could not take place. Diane will appoint the current officers to continue their offices until elections can take place. An emergency board meeting will be called to address these issues. Bylaw changes will be suggested for the May annual meeting. It must remain in May at this time. Again because a quorum was not present to vote.
Reminder - Spring Annual meeting date, May 1, 2010.
Respectfully submitted: Carolyn Morrison, Secretary