Saturday, September 8, 2007
Fall Meeting
Jeff Falknor, President, called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM in Dobson’s community room. In the absence of Secretary, Carolyn Morrison, Ardis Vandenbass kept the minutes.
Tony Graves gave his “description” of the surveys of plant growth—
Professional lake management
Two harvests
Drainage from watershed
Cuttings fall to bottom-increases plant growth
Questions: How do you identify the areas to target? Done by “per acre”. Set on map.
Hodunk River-treated early—why? We need to get in early every year before we go on. It starts there.
Herbicides—get list. They are safe and don’t persist after initial use. Signs will be posted. Sonar—leaves native plants, kills unique ones, can’t use due to water flow. $2,000.00 a gal—expensive
Last year (Spring) new weed—actually could be lily pads. It moved. Lily pads BIG root system, cut year after year. Eventually root system will die.
Weather always comes into play when attacking problems. Paul and co-worker were very happy this year. Contractor and workers are getting to “know” the lakes. We don’t want to kill ALL the plants. We want to get rid of the new plants that are problems.
We are spending enough to control the lakes. (Dues $10.00 a person).
June/August—harvests were done.
Mussels make water clearer, but sun gets through and plants grow. So both good and bad.
Watershed projects go on for years and years. Farmers embrace this approach. It is cost effective for them.
Morrison Lake gets 2-4 treatments a year. Treat where plants are. 100 feet along the shoreline is where it is posted. Treatments are done more often, just posted where necessary.
Weather—HOT< DRY summer 2007. Plant growth high (weather driven). Considering everything—we did well.
Audience says: North Lake has bigger problems this year. Using wheelbarrows to carry weeds away from shorelines. No place to dispose. Boards do NOT do private property. Boats are getting bigger. They stir up weeds even more.
Hydrilla plant reproduces! LOTS! In Indiana and Wisconsin—not here yet. If it comes, we have to really hit it hard. Is also carried by boats going lake to lake.
FACT: Some people have to dispose of leaves more than others due to LOCATION, winds and water flow.
Ben Wickerham, DEQ Watershed Management, Branch Conservation 319 Grant:
Two years to come up with a “wish list”. Watershed wide project is 39,000 acres. No cost to us. Pollution problems are from farms, yards, etc., urban run off, septic systems. Ben observed at a public meeting of 100 people concerns of cost, no extra cost for us unless we choose to do something. Waste disposal 95% EPA standards, 98% is our standard, so we are doing well. IMPORTANT! Treat problems at source, not after the fact. Ben and DEQ are impressed with all we are doing already. Check with Ben if you want to see anything.
Dredging is NOT going to happen. There is a watershed newsletter. Sewage system could be a point source, Don’t panic. Septic systems could get suggestions first. Funds may be possible??? Contact health department if you see a problem (s).
Erosion Hazard index-Ben out checking it out. High rains—saw a lot. Sauk River—not treated. Safety of swimming during floodwaters is a problem. Many run offs. EPA website—EPA.Gov. 303D means something is dangerous.
*Dave Wright proposed Sec. rep. accepted, second-Kay Greenawalt.
*Treasurer’s Report-see Colleen, balance $2354.95. Accept-Dick Knirk, second-Terry Reed.
*Special Report-Bills 4463 & 4464, Waterfront Alliance-chance of defeat. New neighbor could put in a marina and you could do nothing about it. Vote it down. Boat law changes—up to $500.00 fine. Police has authority now.
Old Business:
*Website: wants to put info on website, CBPU a possibility.
*208 members now! Wants to gain members.
1. Keep testing lakes
2. Helps to go to House of Representatives
3. Appointment of chairs
*Membership drive
*Campers, renters
4. Activities, Springtime, other times, draw people in, Boat raffle
Lake George cost $50.00 mandatory, also $100.00 per house.
*Maps--$40-45 each (map quest). Can’t get printing rights.
*Raising Dues: some think we are too much, some think we could increase.
New Business:
*Need new chair—lake monitoring, water testing. May to September. Jeff is on boat every Sat. Four to five people needed under head chair. See Jeff I you want to volunteer.
*Lake testing—now Lake Randall—DEQ/Michigan State lab. Expensive--$160.00. EPA does testing. Testing is done to see how lakes are doing. Keeps everyone in check. See booklet results from Bill Greenawalt. Bill explained booklet. These tests were handed to Ben now to help him know where we’ve been. DEQ send their records in. Jeff wants us to take tests to double check. He wants to do a website so EVERYTHING is there for the members. Also who to call (websites) for problems: water level, pollution.
*501 surveys sent out. Showed Jeff there are other concerns. Jeff also will send out results.
Adjourn: Bill Greenawalt, 1st-Gayle Groslko, 2nd.
Submitted 9/8/07
Ardis Vandenbass (substituted)
242 Hidden Cove Lane
Coldwater, MI 49036
269-832 0748